Friday, February 14, 2014

Religious Violence


Acts 9:1,3
         Meanwhile Saul , still breathing fiery threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord . He was the high priest ,        On his way to Damascus , when he was near the city , suddenly the light emanating from the sky around him .

           Present too many stuck to religious faith , so that the action in the paint rigid rules that could be a misinterpretation , as is done by Saul . Mind to uphold Judaism and feel guilty for keeping the sanctity of religious gods .           Companions , among Christians also can get stuck like Saul 's understanding may not be exactly the same . If worship must be rigid according to the rules of Judaism , not what Alkitab.Harus said solemnly , melenyimpang should not be canceled , should not coughing , yawning , whispering , laughing or scratch here and there, (better in resistant itching / uncomfortable than attempting to scratch ) . In the morning worship ( church or family ) is no principled to be calm and quiet in the attitude of worship . If breaking the rules then there is also a worship leader / pastor / assembly / family heads who get angry , because the assumption damaging / not honor the presence of God . There is also a well-known pastor who dared to direct current from the pulpit reprimand if there are kids back and forth in a church officer or congregation who are coughing. That variety of small form RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE who do not realize terimplemetasi in church .          Jesus does not teach religious violence , when Saul was doing violent religion at that time on the road to Damascus, Jesus called Saul and said softly : " Saul , Saul, why do you persecute me ? "           Notice how Jesus treats friend Saul , Saul teaching and embrace the way sent Ananias to pray for Saul so that Saul could see again . Respect for God was not born from the outside but from the heart . If our hearts have already met with Jesus we can honor and worship God . For example, after Paul's encounter with Jesus is no longer a religious rules as a basis for acting and teaching . Likewise we , when Christ dwells in us , then our life is no longer possible violent religion with rigid rules . God 's presence is not always marked by fervent worship but who do not need too kekhusukan politicized , but it comes from the love of God . Nor is there a ban yawning , scratching sanan and there or laugh , but lack the ban was not necessarily any quiet time we do that , except incidental .          Friends, let love Jesus / Word so that we regardless of religious rules / additional rules that are not from Word but the teaching / deliberate human inserts misinterpreted for the sake of self-interest leads .
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