Saturday, September 14, 2013

One Mind, One Heart

Nats word of God drawn from the book of Philippians 2:1-2

Philippians 2:1,2 So as any encouragement in Christ, any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, any affection and mercy, complete my joy with this: be ye like-minded, in one love, one life, one purpose,

      When Multinational army storm Irak Nation, there was one recognition of one American army, says: ”I can’t bear this, but!! This is command! I have to do the best.”  You know why he expressing that? Because he is moslem American army.  One mind, but not one heart.
      Friends, I’m sure that army weren’t happy and not in harmony when he do his task, why? Because they only one mind, not one heart.  Only obey the command but not his passionate impulse.  That kind of experience is no good and have to be repaired.   Paul, in his message advised the Philipians so they will be one mind and one heart in same love and purpose.  Why Paul give this advice? So the Philipians can live in harmony each other. Worship, Serve together with one mind and heart to reach lofty goals that honors God
Agape friend, harmony in the household will be created, tat when all family members and like-minded accord. Maybe you think so, "ah!! To create the same mind be difficult, let alone one heart and same mind "" the right mind "when you rely on strength alone. But it is not hard either, when each family member already in Christ. Why? For in Christ there is affection, compassion, and certainly one goal. What makes a goal? Because each mastered the same Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is what unites every member of the family to be of one heart and same mind. Harmony in the household to be a part of your life that rely on the Spirit of Christ. Is there more difficult? Christ is the answer.

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